Saturday, May 2, 2020

Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development

Question: How Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development. Answer: Assessment Event 1: Short Answer Question Describe three methods that could used for achieving a health work life balance Track your time Determine your priorities Set specific goals Describe five types of work methods that can improve personal performance in workplace Accountability Follow up Manage the work force Motivation Team work Principle techniques to achieve performance management, personal behaviour, goal settings Be honest Keep it simple Makes goals interesting Motivate Get the proper tools of jobs Keep monitoring of work Self assessment of work. Explain one learning style model and how it relates to the individual Self learning is the best way of learning for the individuals to manage their lagging areas in the learning process. Explain three management development opportunities that an individual could undertake Reviewing team members job description Gathering additional data on the job Determining action steps Assessment Event 2 Task 1: Establish personal work goals 1.1 Identify Australiss plans and student responsibilities and accountabilities Within the Australiss institute, the students need some awareness about their roles and responsibilities in the study process to get an effective outcome and to make the reputation of the organisation. The main responsibility of the student is to maintain positive environment within the institution. Maintaining rule and regulation in the institution is the prime task for the student in the classroom. Another way to measure student responsibility is to give confidence students to assess their individuals work, presentation and contribution in class. Communication with the teacher is also can be a good responsibility for the student to mitigate the confusion about the leanings (Ambrose, S. 2010). 1.2 Develop a Work Plan Objectives Methods and actions to achieve those objectives Resource required What would be the outcomes Variance or if you would not be able to achieve the objectives Mitigation strategies Involve all the members By sharing information and better communication All students and teachers Effective results in the cooperation and team work Less cooperation More communication Utilize the skills, experience Previous study and learning and past practical experience Students of the institution Proper learning and effective outcomes in the learning process Less interest in learning More training and development on skills Acknowledge time constraints Effective time management skills Proper time management strategies The research and the task can be complete within time Time consuming factor for any task Effective leadership skills with proper time management Agree on a stakeholder communication Superior communication and client handing process Stakeholders of the institution Effective support and sharing from the all the staffs Less interaction among the stakeholders Effective communication Collect data and record achievement Interviews, surveys and several books and journals Respondents to conduct the research Get effective results in the research process. Not getting exact outcomes Proper data collection tools and techniques 1.3 Review the alignment between RTO goals and personal The main difference between the RTO goals and personal goals is RTO provides effective training facilities towards the students to get more opportunities in their future and on the other hand the students set their goals to grab those opportunities in a convenient way to make effective future in their life (Bertelsen, B. 2012). 1.4 Measure and maintain personal performance There are several steps in the learning process by which the individual can assess and maintain their personal performance. The following factors of the measurement is as follows Punctuality Quality of work Observe personal habits Check their attitude Review personal presentation Carry out a client survey Carry out random check Task 2: Set and meet own work priorities 2.1 Priorities competing demands Task Factors ratings priority Outcomes Organization and time management Effective time management skills 50 Low Get task outcomes in time Decision making and problem solving Good listener and strong decision making capabilities 60 high Effective decision makes effective outcomes in job role Planning Better ideas and thoughts 60 High Better planning meets the objective pretty easily Delegation Better leadership and decision making process 65 High Allocation of work among the employee mitigate the complex in the job Motivation Effective reward management and appraisal 50 medium Reward and praises motivates the employees to work efficiently Coaching Proper training and development 90 high Training and development enhances the skill of the individuals Target setting Scheduling 20 high Short target achieving gain confidence among the employees Interpersonal skills positive relationships with others 50 medium Increase sharing and relation with the others Written communications Formal and informal communication 50 medium Better understanding of work Oral communications Superior level communication 70 high Influence others to communicate and maintain better work environment. 2.2 Facilitate priorities task to achieve personal and organisational goals To make the effective outcomes of the organisational objectives and the personal goals, the priorities task is quite essential for an individual (Carkhuff, R. 2005). By the help of priorities task, the individual can assess their strength and the weakness and they can act accordingly. By the help of training and development plans, the individuals can effectively meet their desired skills and it will be beneficial to achieve the organisational goals and personal goals. 2.3 Maintain appropriate work life balance To make work life balance, the individual needs to be perfectionist. By the help of better motivational strategies in the work place, the individual can easily satisfied in the work place and it maintain a better balance in their personal and work life. 2.4 Ensures stress is effectively managed To manage the stress in the work place, the individual needs to be more motivated and by the help of proper time management strategies in the work place, the individual can effectively manage their stress. 2.5 Ensures health is maintained To maintain the health issues for an individuals the well balanced health care plan in the organisation is more important. Apart from the reward management the administration needs to provide proper health care policies. Task 3: Develop and maintain professional competence 3.1 Assess personal knowledge and skills against competency standards to determine development needs, priorities and plans To assess the personal knowledge and skills and to develop and maintain competence, the individual needs to learn some objectives such as Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time 3.2 Seek feedback from employees, clients and colleagues and use this feedback to identify and develop ways to improve competence This is another best way to improve the personal development plan by the help of some feedback from the other employees or clients (Dealtry, T. 2002). To analyse the lagging areas in own perception is very much essential for better future development. 3.3 Identify, evaluate, select and use development opportunities suitable to personal learning style/s to develop competence To develop competences, the individual needs to use several opportunities to identify, evaluate and select their development plan. By the help of individual learning, examples vs. explanation, concepts vs. facts the individuals can easily develop their competences. 3.4 Undertake participation in networks to enhance personal knowledge, skills and work relationships To enhance the personal knowledge and skills in the work place, the individual needs to establish well balanced relation with their co workers with some effective communication process (Ferguson, K. 2007). By the help of proper training and development plan, the individual can effectively grow their lagging areas and get confidence to do effective work in their organisation. 3.5 Identify and develop new skills to achieve and maintain a competitive edge To develop new skills, the organisation and the management often promotes training and development plans for the workers and by the help of new skill development the employees can get better in their job role, which can enhance the performance of the firm (Fine, L. 2009). Due to the effective skill development, the organisation can easily achieve their desired goals within proper time and quality. Refernces Ambrose, S. (2010).How learning works. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Bertelsen, B. (2012).Everything you need to know about SWOT analysis. [Newmarket, Ont.]: BrainMass Inc. Carkhuff, R. (2005).PPD, productive program development. Amherst, Mass.: Human Resource Development Press. Dealtry, T. (2002).Dynamic SWOT analysis. Birmingham (Prince's Corner, Harborne Park Road, Harborne, Birmingham. B17 0DE): Dynamic SWOT Associates. Ferguson, K. (2007). Personal and Professional Development (PPD) Facilitators' Guide.MedEdPORTAL Publications. Fine, L. (2009).The SWOT analysis. [Place of publication not identified]: Kick It. Gonzlez, F., Slafer, G. and Miralles, D. (2006). Pre-anthesis development and number of fertile florets in wheat as affected by photoperiod sensitivity genes Ppd-D1and Ppd-B1.Euphytica, 146(3), pp.253-269. 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