Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Great War - 1254 Words

The Great War The Great War, which is more commonly called World War I began on July 28, 1914 and lasted until November 11, 1918. It was a global war centered in Europe and involved more than 70 million military personnel. There were over 9 million combatants, and 7 million civilians died as a result of the war (Keegan, 1998). It was one of the deadliest recorded military conflicts in history, and was the reason for numerous major political changes. The main event that led to the spark of World War I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Who was the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne (Willmott, 2003). Archduke Franz Ferdinand was a friend to Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, the two met in mid-June 1914 to discuss†¦show more content†¦The United States later declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917 (Keegan, 1998). Germany’s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson’s decis ion to lead the United States into World War I. Following the sinking of an unarmed French boat, the Sussex, in the English Channel in March 1916, Wilson threatened to sever diplomatic relations with Germany unless the German Government refrained from attacking all passenger ships and allowed the crews of enemy merchant vessels to abandon their ships prior to any attack. On May 4, 1916, the German Government accepted these terms and conditions (Keegan, 1998). This has come to be known as the Sussex Pledge. The situation in Germany had changed during January 1917. During a conference with representatives from the German Navy helped convince the military leadership and Kaiser Wilhelm that a resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare could help defeat Great Britain within a matter of months ( German policymakers argued that they could violate the Sussex pledge since the United States could no longer be considered a neutral party after supplying ammunition and financial a ssistance to the Allies. German Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg disagreed and believed that resuming submarine warfare would draw the United States into the war on behalf of the Allies (Willmott,Show MoreRelatedThe War Of The Great War1482 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Great War had ended, leaving mostly Western Europe scathed by conflict between nations. With groundbreaking technology the conflict proved to be one of the most devastating in world history, especially with the immense amount of casualties of over 38 million. Picking itself up from the ground that was stained with blood, Europe at the time did not have any idea of the conflict that would soon follow approximately twenty years after; another world war. It is the end of the first world war conflictRead MoreThe War Of The Great War Essay973 Words   |  4 Pages World War â…   was such a significant war in history, that contributed to many changes to the world today. From 1914 to 1918 the â€Å"Great War† was being fought between the central and allied forces. The trench warfare during the rough years provided a stalemate, a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible. So, as a result the allied forces made a peace treaty to finally end the prolonged bloodshed. After five long years of nations constantly fighting, the allied forcesRead MoreThe War Of The Great War1421 Words   |  6 Pagesnations began World War I with a glamorous vision of war, only to be psychologically shattered by the realities of the trenches. The experience changed the way people referred to the glamour of battle; they treated it no longer as a positive quality but as a dangerous illusion.† Virginia Postrel The Great War began on July 28, 1914. There are several causes of the war and several of them start in the Balkans. The causes were political, territorial and economic conflicts among the great European powersRead MoreThe War Of The Great War1520 Words   |  7 Pages World War One, appropriately named the Great War in the heat of its battles, was the war that many thought would end all other wars. And at the time, it certainly seemed that would be the case. It was a new type of a war, there were new, terrifying weapons, leading to deaths in numbers unseen from previous wars. The battles dragged on, it became trench warfare. There seemed to be no end in sight for the longest time. But the war did end and the people and politicians of the 1920s were left to dealRead MoreThe War Of The Great War1553 Words   |  7 Pagesbills were proposed. However, in 1912, the third Home Rule bill was passed in Westminster, only to be suspended upon British entrance into the First World War. Irish members of Parliament that had been pushing for Home Rule for many years finally saw their plans come to fruition, only to be stalled by the outbreak of the Great War. This war was costly, and required significant support from the United Kingdom and it’s respec tive colonies. The actions of the British government helped to fuel radicalRead MoreThe War Of The Great War3373 Words   |  14 Pagesrace, and military plans created a perfect situation for a war in Europe, which would eventually become the Great War. With Germany, Great Britain, France, and Russia being the top powers in Europe, these countries would be the front runners in the discussion of the topics mentioned above and how their participation in those topics eventually led to the Great War. The order of topics to discuss that would ultimately lead to the Great War would be Imperialism being the spark that would lead to anRead MoreThe Great War Essay1454 Words   |  6 Pagesdisagree about the causes of the Great War as there are numerous different sources of the conflict, both long term and short term. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is considered the catalyst that sparked the war but there are deeper, more complex reasons for its beginning. The extensive alli ance system throughout Europe, as well as the German foreign policy of expansionism helped to ignite what was a relatively small international conflict into a worldwide war. Imperial tensions also addedRead MoreThe Great War748 Words   |  3 Pages â€Å"The Great War† On 28 June 1914, a Serbian shot an Austrian. Within six weeks, many of the countries of Europe had become involved in a war that was to cause the deaths of 10 million soldiers, but was the assassination the only cause of war? WWI wasnt just any war, it was also a new beginning and a new cause for a few of the european countries that had been involved. The end results for Germany had been the worst, which not only caused Germany to have a new purpose and have resentments,Read MoreThe Great War1416 Words   |  6 PagesWorld War One was a time of devastation for Europe. Many factors lead to great tensions in Europe, sparking the desideratum for a war. This war, other sagacious ken as The Great War, occurred in 1914 until 1918. It had many famous battles, such as The Battle of Tannenberg, a battle of many casualties, especially for the Russia. The war was mainly fought between the members of the Triple Alliance and the members of The Triple Entente. Eventually, countries such as t he USA joined in. Rivalries betweenRead MoreThe Great War1256 Words   |  5 PagesThe Great War may be perceived as a milestone historical event serving two intertwined roles in the course of 20th-century British politics. Firstly, on certain grounds, it provided a fertile soil for the justified continuation and extension of a rather radical social reform initiated under the Liberal leadership since 1906, thus shifting the politics towards a more big-government-oriented direction. In the early post-war years, it was suitable for the Conservatives to undertake this task on the

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Freedom of Speech and Expression - Little Freedom in a...

Little Freedom of Expression Freedom of expression, like the air we breathe, is a luxury that most people in western civilization take for granted. I know I certainly took it for granted when I was in the twelfth grade, and that presumption almost got me expelled. In Cornwall, Ontario this last December the idea of freedom of speech did more than get a young man expelled. He was forced to spend the better part of a month, including Christmas, New Years Eve, and his sixteenth birthday in jail. Finally there is the case of the former mayor of Mukingo in Ruhengeri Prefecture, Juvenal Kejelijeli, who is desperately fighting deportation to face charges for his freedom of expression, which helped ignite genocide in Rwanda. Free speech†¦show more content†¦It is completely illogical to assume that they are going to go out into the real world and blow up an oil refinery because they blew one up in their story. Fortunately my Creative Writing teacher, Mr. Stevenson, went to bat for me. He felt strongly about fre edom of expression and convinced the dean, his boss, that I should not be expelled for my story as I was simply doing what I was told. He gave me an A on the assignment but more importantly he restored my faith in freedom of expression. Fictional stories should not be chargeable offences, but we should be aware of what may be written between the lines. When the characters in the story are directly related to living people, when the violence occurs in reality based settings, like the authors school, people take notice. Suddenly the value of freedom of expression becomes a hazy issue. People get their backs up and an author could wind up spending Christmas in jail. This was the case in Avonmore Ontario, a small town near Cornwall, where a fifteen year old boy spent a month in jail, charged with uttering a death threat for a fictional story he wrote called Twisted. It was the story of a tortured student, bullied his entire life, who extracts a brutal revenge on his schoolmates by placing a bomb in the cafeteria, set to go off at lunch time. In light of the Columbine massacre and, a little closer to home, the Taber shooting, warning flags were raised, and so they shouldShow MoreRelatedCensorship and Indecency in Media92 8 Words   |  4 PagesCensorship and Indecency in Media Although indecent speech is protected by the First Amendment speech in broadcast media has been restricted because of its accessibility to children. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Bleeding The Past Essay Research Paper Bleeding free essay sample

Shed blooding The Past Essay, Research Paper Shed blooding the pastThe Blood Doctor by Barbara Vine 400pp, VikingThere is something ugly about the genetic sciences of hemophilia. Sick persons are male. Women carry the cistron mutely, gaining their heritage merely when they give birth to an affected male child, who need non be their first boy. By so they may hold had girls, some of whom will, in bend, pass the mutant to their kids. Barbara Vine constructs her new novel around this fatal roulette. The Blood Doctor is narrated by Martin Nanther, a biographer whose latest topic is his great-grandfather. Dr Henry Nanther was a 19th-century expert in shed blooding upsets. When Queen Victoria # 8217 ; s 8th kid, Leopold, was diagnosed as a # 8220 ; hemophiliac # 8221 ; # 8211 ; as hemophiliac were termed in less enlightened times # 8211 ; Henry was appointed doctor to the royal family. As Martin investigates his celebrated forebear # 8217 ; s life, he stumbles upon hemophilia in his ain convoluted household tree. We will write a custom essay sample on Bleeding The Past Essay Research Paper Bleeding or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Tracing its spread through the coevalss, he finds verification of his deepening intuitions about his great-grandfather # 8217 ; s morality and character. Anyone who has compiled a elaborate household tree, allow entirely superimposed a familial lineage on it, will cognize it is a genuinely boring concern. Vine is instead excessively faithful to the procedure, and although the great-grandparental enigma at the bosom of Martin # 8217 ; s researches holds the reader # 8217 ; s attending for some piece, fatigue finally sets in. Rather than shocking, the # 8220 ; monstrous # 8221 ; denouement feels oddly anticlimacti c, such is the lack of motivation for it in the narrative. Fortunately, there are other facets to The Blood Doctor. Henry, ennobled by Queen Victoria, has passed the title of Lord Nanther down his line. The novel is set during the long passage through parliament of the House of Lords bill. As an hereditary, Martin faces banishment. Vine brings the rituals, procedures, and atmosphere of the Upper House vividly to life. Perhaps surprisingly, one begins to appreciate, even to share, Martin’s pride and affection for the place. Haemophilia need no longer result in disability and early death, and recent advances reflect the capacity of modern medicine to intervene in the reproductive process. Vine draws these issues in. Throughout The Blood Doctor Martin’s second wife, Jude, is trying for a baby. A series of miscarriages devastates her, petrifies the marriage, and eventually un-masks the couple’s own genetic fallibility. The portrayal of Jude’s repeatedly dash ed hopes is noteworthy. It is surpassed by Vine’s clear-eyed characterisation of Martin, whose conflicting feelings about a future child only deepen as Jude is offered IVF and genetic selection of the resultant embryos. The science is incorporated with considerable skill, and although The Blood Doctor never approaches the finesse of Vine’s earlier works, such as A Dark-Adapted Eye, it does repay perseverance, not least for the light it casts on the business of having babies. · Phil Whitaker is a GP and forensic medical examiner. His third novel, The Face, is published by Atlantic

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Interactive Methods of Teaching English Through Literature free essay sample

My purpose here is to explore the interactive methods of teaching English that have attracted the attention of the teachers in recent years, to show reason for interest in them, in what they are exploring, in what they accomplish, the principles and ideas that guide them. I shall make a lesson plan and during the lesson I shall experience the interactive methods of teaching which give the foreign language teacher the possibility to master some new techniques of communicative methods of foreign language training. Teacher has to organize different forms of activity at the foreign language classes that is individual, pair, group and team. I shall present the most well known form of pair and group work the following kinds should be mentioned: inside (outside) circles, brainstorm, line-ups, jigsaw reading, think-pair-share, debate, pair-interviews etc. I shall point out that all above-mentioned form of interactive training are efficient in case a problem is discussed as a whole in class and the students have previous experience and ideas which they have acquired earlier at their classes or in a course of their private life. We will write a custom essay sample on Interactive Methods of Teaching English Through Literature or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the process of work the teacher should take into consideration the fact that the topics which are to be discussed in the classroom must not be limited or very narrow. I shall show that one of the most common peculiarities which are characteristic of the interactive forms are those that these forms of training motivate the student not only to express their own opinion but after some argumentation of their partners in the process of work to change the point of view. In these Master thesis I shall determin the following advantages of interactive teaching: friendly atmosphere and relationships between learners are formed; learners have the opportunity to be more independent and self-confident; they are not afraid to make mistakes; it’ll help the learners to overcome the problems of language barrier confidence and fear of making mistakes; learners talking time is longer, it’s good for communication; teacher doesn’t dominate; a teacher has an opportunity to give the task to every student. All learners are involved in the work; it’s good for individual work; shy and weak students have the opportunity to rely on their partners; learners can use their background knowledge. Besides I shall compare the interactive methods and discus their efficiency. I shall prove that interactive methods of teaching foreign languages give the teacher a chance to solve some problems simultaneously, help establish emotional contact with the students, train them to work in a team, to consider somebody’s opinion. OUTLINE In the paper I am going to explore different interactive methods of teaching English. The aim of the paper is to present and evaluate these interactive methods according to their efficiency and appropriately. In my research work I am going to: 1. Make some lesson plans for 10 class students 2. Explore the interactive methods 3. Experiment with different classes at the same level 1. Interactive audio-visual teaching method and device 2. Brainstorming method 3. Debate method 4. Think-pair-share method

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Black Daeth essays

Black Daeth essays The Black Death was a plague that carried a disease that ravaged its way through the world, eventually causing economic, political, and cultural disruptions. It came like a murderer in the night, when no one was expecting it. This mysterious disease first attacked the people living near the Black Sea in what is now called Southern Ukraine. It came without mercy, like a warrior coming for revenge. It struck, and within days hundreds of people fell ill. The first symptoms were severe headaches and redness of the eyes. These were followed by inflammations of the tongue, hoarseness and a hacking cough. Then came severe intestinal upsets, including vomiting and acute diarrhea. Temperatures rose, and at the fevers height the body broke out with reddish spots. By the third day, the lymph nodes in the sufferers'' groins, neck, and occasionally the armpits began to swell. Eventually the swelling would increase from the size of a hazelnut to the size of walnut, then to the size of a hen's egg. The swelling would bulge out making it easily visible; its blackish color giving the disease its name: The Black Death. The swellings would continue to get bigger and extremely painful causing the victim to vomit blood. Eventually the swelling would burst, and the victim would die soon after. The whole process, starting from the first symptoms to the final expiration would last as little as 3 days to as long as 9 days. It was a terrible and excruciating disease that was given the title of the Bubonic Plague, a medical term. The swelling that the victims received became known as buboes, the Greek word for groin, boubon. Therefore giving the disease its official name: the Bubonic Plague. There were three forms of the plague: Bubonic, Septicaemic, and pneumonic. The Bubonic plague was the main disease that tormented the people of the Black Sea region, but there was another dise...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Valens and the Battle of Adrianople (Hadrianopolis)

Valens and the Battle of Adrianople (Hadrianopolis) Bad intelligence gathering and the unwarranted confidence of Emperor Valens (A.D. c. 328 - A.D. 378) led to the worst Roman defeat since Hannibals victory at the Battle of Cannae. On August 9, A.D. 378, Valens was killed and his army lost to an army of Goths led by Fritigern, whom Valens had given permission only two years earlier to settle in Roman territory. Division of Rome In 364, a year after the death of Julian, the apostate emperor, Valens was made co-emperor with his brother Valentinian. They chose to split the territory, with Valentinian taking the West and Valens the East- a division that was to continue. (Three years later Valentinian conferred the rank of co-Augustus on his young son Gratian who would take over as emperor in the West in 375 when his father died with his infant half-brother, Gratian, co-emperor, but only in name.) Valentinian had had a successful military career prior to being elected emperor, but Valens, who had only joined the military in the 360s, had not. Valens Tries to Reclaim Land Lost to the Persians Since his predecessor had lost eastern territory to the Persians (5 provinces on the eastern side of the Tigris, various forts and the cities of Nisibis, Singara and Castra Maurorum), Valens set out to reclaim it, but revolts within the Eastern Empire kept him from completing his plans. One of the revolts was caused by the usurper Procopius, a relative of the last of the line of Constantine, Julian. Because of a claimed relationship with the family of the still popular Constantine, Procopius persuaded many of Valens troops to defect, but in 366, Valens defeated Procopius and sent his head to his brother Valentinian. Valens Makes a Treaty With the Goths The Tervingi Goths led by their king Athanaric had planned to attack Valens territory, but when they learned of Procopius plans, they became his allies, instead. Following his defeat of Procopius, Valens intended to attack the Goths, but was prevented, first by their flight, and then by a spring flood the next year. However, Valens persisted and defeated the Tervingi (and the Greuthungi, both Goths) in 369. They concluded a treaty quickly which allowed Valens to set to work on the still missing eastern (Persian) territory. Trouble From the Goths and Huns Unfortunately, troubles throughout the empire diverted his attention. In 374 he had deployed troops to the west and was faced with a military manpower shortage. In 375 the Huns pushed the Goths out of their homelands. The Greuthungi and Tervingi Goths appealed to Valens for a place to live. Valens, seeing this as an opportunity to increase his military, agreed to admit into Thrace those Goths who were led by their chieftain Fritigern, but not the other groups of Goths, including those led by Athanaric, who had conspired against him before. Those who were excluded followed Fritigern, anyway. Imperial troops, under the leadership of Lupicinus and Maximus, managed the immigration, but badly- and with corruption. Jordanes explains how the Roman officials took advantage of the Goths. Soon famine and want came upon them, as often happens to a people not yet well settled in a country. Their princes and the leaders who ruled them in place of kings, that is Fritigern, Alatheus and Safrac, began to lament the plight of their army and begged Lupicinus and Maximus, the Roman commanders, to open a market. But to what will not the cursed lust for gold compel men to assent? The generals, swayed by avarice, sold them at a high price not only the flesh of sheep and oxen, but even the carcasses of dogs and unclean animals, so that a slave would be bartered for a loaf of bread or ten pounds of meat.- Jordanes Driven to revolt, the Goths defeated the Roman military units in Thrace in 377. In May 378, Valens aborted his eastern mission in order to deal with the uprising of Goths (aided by Huns and Alans). Their number, Valens was assured, was no more than 10,000. [W]hen the barbarians ... arrived within fifteen miles from the station of Nike, ... the emperor, with wanton impetuosity, resolved on attacking them instantly, because those who had been sent forward to reconnoiter- what led to such a mistake is unknown- affirmed that their entire body did not exceed ten thousand men.- Ammianus Marcellinus,  The Battle of Hadrianopolis Occupation Index - Ruler By August 9, 378, Valens was outside of one of the cities named for the Roman emperor Hadrian, Adrianople. There Valens pitched his camp, built palisades and waited for Emperor Gratian (who had been fighting the Germanic Alamanni)  to arrive with the Gallic army. Meanwhile, ambassadors from the Gothic leader Fritigern arrived asking for a truce, but Valens didnt trust them, and so he sent them back. The historian Ammianus Marcellinus, the source of the only detailed version of the battle, says some Roman princes advised Valens not to wait for Gratian, because if Gratian fought Valens would have to share the glory of victory. So on that August day Valens, thinking his troops more than equal to the reported troop numbers of the Goths, led the Roman imperial army into battle. Roman and Gothic soldiers met each other in a crowded, confused, and very bloody line of battle.   Our left wing had advanced actually up to the wagons, with the intent to push on still further if they were properly supported; but they were deserted by the rest of the cavalry, and so pressed upon by the superior numbers of the enemy, that they were overwhelmed and beaten down.... And by this time such clouds of dust arose that it was scarcely possible to see the sky, which resounded with horrible cries; and in consequence, the darts, which were bearing death on every side, reached their mark, and fell with deadly effect, because no one could see them beforehand so as to guard against them.-  Ammianus Marcellinus: The Battle of Hadrianopolis Amid the fighting, an additional contingent of Gothic troops arrived, far outnumbering the distressed Roman troops. Gothic victory was assured. Death of Valens Two-thirds of the Eastern army were killed, according to Ammianus, putting an end to 16 divisions. Valens was among the casualties. While, like most of the details of the battle, the details of Valens demise are not known with any certainty, it is thought that Valens was either killed towards the end of the battle or wounded, escaped to a nearby farm, and there was burned to death by Gothic marauders. A supposed survivor brought the story to the Romans. So momentous and disastrous was the Battle of Adrianople that Ammianus Marcellinus called it the beginning of evils for the Roman empire then and thereafter. It is worth noting that this catastrophic Roman defeat occurred in the Eastern Empire. Despite this fact, and the fact that among the precipitating factors for the fall of Rome, barbarian invasions must rank very high, the fall of Rome, barely a century later, in A.D. 476, did not occur within the Eastern Empire. The next emperor in the East was Theodosius I who conducted clean up operations for 3 years before concluding a peace treaty with the Goths. See Accession of Theodosius the Great. Source: De Imperatoribus Romanis Valens( Map of the Battle of Adrianople ( Valens

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Passage Identification and Explication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Passage Identification and Explication - Essay Example What reverses may attend the remainder is in the hand of Providence; but, if they arrive, the reflection on past happiness enjoy'd ought to help his bearing them with more resignation. To Temperance he ascribes his long-continued health, and what is still left to him of a good constitution; to Industry and Frugality, the early easiness of his circumstances and acquisition of his fortune, with all that knowledge that enabled him to be a useful citizen, and obtained for him some degree of reputation among the learned; to Sincerity and Justice, the confidence of his country, and the honorable employs it conferred upon him; and to the joint influence of the whole mass of the virtues, even in the imperfect state he was able to acquire them, all that evenness of temper, and that cheerfulness in conversation, which makes his company still sought for, and agreeable even to his younger acquaintance.†Ã‚  Telling the story of his life, Franklin desired to share the precious lessons he gai ned in his journey from being a hard-working man to the simplicity of his life amidst his many achievements. Being one among the founding fathers of the United States, Franklin influenced the nation which until this time reflects the virtues he taught his countrymen, loving the luxuries of freedom, being able to improve oneself in proportion to an individual’s efforts and determination. Writing his autobiography was not merely telling his achievements but was directed to the learning of his biological son as well as his American sons from the virtues he himself learned from other people as he dealt with them, disciplining himself to embrace what he considers are virtuous, becoming an example to his people. As to virtue, this could be a... The researcher states that Thoreau presented his ideas strongly first, by getting the attention of his audience through questions just as he did in the verse that was extracted from his controversial essay, founded from a fact that is equally or even more controversial. Though all forms of government one way or another prove to have unjust laws, the essayist particularly spoke about the democratic United States of America which presented to him the absurdity of human laws. Through his questions, he thus then encourages his audiences to think about how they should react, whether they obey the laws, change them or violate them all at once because if the laws were right. These questions, though rude they may appear to an individual, should be reconsidered as to how one should react. Thoreau sought the meaning of life in this adventure he imposed upon himself, fearing to die and find out that he never lived but that he wanted all of what life could offer, enjoy them all and in the end, s ay to himself, he lived life to the fullest. He considered himself a god in his own Olympus that he found in Walden Pond, able to reign in his small world and not dictated by other people, their laws and other influences that could hinder the life he considers effectual. It is then concluded that the personality of the philosopher reflects the freedom one enjoys in the land of the free, enabling a person to live as he desires as long as he is not going against any law and endanger others in the process.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS, METHODS, & MODES IN THE HUMANITIES - Essay Example Classicism era was a period whereby, emphasis on form, proportion, simplicity and restrained emotion made the basis of culture, literature and art in ancient Greece and Rome’s aesthetic attitudes and principles (Grafton, Most & Settis, 2010). Neoclassicism movement in painting and other visual arts, on the other hand, started in the 1760s and climaxed in the 1780s and ‘90s, whereby it was rampant in emphasizing on austere linear design, use of correct archeological settings and costumes, and depicting classical themes and subject matter. It is arguable that neoclassicism was partly a reaction against the sensitivity and frivolous decorations of the then dominant Rococo style as well as stimulations by the then arising scientific interest from classical relic of 18th century (Grafton, Most & Settis, 2010). Neoclassicism advent was steered by the new knowledge of the classical past obtained from the archeological discoveries regarding the Greco-Roman art from the monuments and other Greek antiquities of the past. The stylistic aspects of neoclassicism were similar to those of its predecessor classical antique. For instance, the ornamented paintings of Jacques-Louis David evidenced in the classical period also prevailed in the neoclassical era. The decorative prettiness and softness in the Rococo antique extended to the era of neoclassicism as well as the Kauffmann’s sentimental subjects. The movement from classicism to neoclassicism was experienced in the arts of paintings and decorative, architecture and visual arts, and in music. In architecture and visual arts, the Neo-classical paintings are different from the classical ones by their virtue of ignoring pastel colors and haziness; instead, they are sharp colored and have Chiaroscuro. The neoclassical music, however, shows considerable similarities with the classical music in the use of harmony and instrumentation such as the wind instrument and the classical symphony in the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Different Types of Documents Produced in a Business Environment Essay Example for Free

Different Types of Documents Produced in a Business Environment Essay The different formats in which text may be presented are font typefaces, headings, font size, effects (bold, italics, underlined), colours and text boxes. We can format text in paragraphs, tables and columns. We can add bullet points, headers and footers. We can also add tables, graphs, diagrams and flowcharts as a clear way to represent data and processes. 1. 3 Explain the purpose and benefits of producing high quality and attractive documents The documents you produce for your organisation are an image of representation of your organisation. So it creates an impression on the reader about the standards of the organisation. A good quality document that looks good to the audience can gain more customers and increase the company’s reputation. The quality of your documents is a reflection on you. 2. 3 Describe different types of technology available for inputting, formatting, and editing text and their main features A keyboard and mouse would be the main technology to insert text into a computer. When using a keyboard you press the specific key for each character that needs inputting, and this is transferred on to the computer screen, in a word processing program. A mouse helps you navigate on the computer screen to select the programs to select the programs to open and view and type the text. Another form of inputting could be copying and pasting information from the internet or another document. You could even use a scanner to input text and transfer documents into the computer. Within the Microsoft Word package, you have the following tools to format the text to make it look high quality: -WordArt: this includes effects such as shadows, outlines, colours, gradients, and 3D effects that can be added to a word or phrase. WordArt can also bend, stretch, rotate, or modify the shape of the text. -Page layout: the arrangement of text, images and other objects on a page. -Columns: this is a vertical division of text on a page, usually found in the layout of booklets, newspapers, magazines and leaflets. -Paragraphs: usually a distinct, short section on a document/ piece of writing, usually with a single theme. -Headers and footers: A header or footer is text or graphics that is usually printed at the top or bottom of every page in a document. A header is printed in the top margin; a footer is printed in the bottom margin. The types of technology that are available to edit text are: -Spell check: a computer program that identifies possible misspellings in a block of text by comparing the text with a database of the correct spellings. -Grammar check: this is a tool on Microsoft programs that gives you helpful hints to improve your sentence structure. -Find and replace: this is a function that allows you to search for a particular word in a document and replace it if you need to rename more than one word. 3. Explain the benefits of agreeing the purpose, content, style and deadlines for producing documents. The audience of a document is the group of people for who it is written for. Therefore, documents should be designed to meet the needs of the expected audience. You need to know the purpose of the document so you know what and how to produce it, for example, if it is advertising for young people you would want it to be eye catching and in a style that will appeal to them. It is important to agree the content so you can obtain the information, plan and organise the layout. Deadlines are important so you can plan other work around it and complete the document on time. 3. 2 Outline different ways of organising content for documents. To organise the content you require for a document, you first need to find out how the document is to be presented and the information that is to be included. But ways you could organise content could be: -Bullet points -Alphabetical ordering -Chronological order -Headings -Text -Graphs -Text boxes You should then store all the information needed safely and with clear file names. 3. Outline ways of integrating and laying out text and non-text. Text and non text can be integrated easily with Microsoft Word or Publisher. There are many ways of laying out a document, using columns, graphics, and blocks of text, headings, background colours, images and white space and wrap text around; which helps you to work around with its different features to get a consistent format. Also there are other office applications that help with integrating and laying out text and non-text, for example, Excel and PowerPoint, help with integrating text and non-text in spread sheets and slides. Many organisations use a logo on all their printed materials and their documents often have a very specific style. This will be achieved by always using the same fonts, font sizes, text and page colours and page layout. 3. 4 Describe ways of checking finished documents for accuracy – including spelling, grammar and punctuation – and correctness, and the purpose of doing so. When you have finished creating a document, you should review and check it thoroughly before sending or printing the document. Word documents have a spell check function, however even using spell check might not be completely accurate, therefore using a grammar check on the document as well, will be more beneficial. After doing the spell and grammar checks, you could ask another colleague to proof read your work – having a proof reader can help highlight problems as they are a fresh set of eyes that have not read the document. Re-reading the documents several days after completing, may refresh your mind to notice any corrections and adjustments. It is beneficial to compare the final version with original notes and rough drafts. All of these checks are to ensure that your document that you want to make is fit for purpose and correct before showing to a senior member of staff or production of the document. 3. 5 Explain the purpose of storing documents safely and securely, and ways of doing so. Any document with any sensitive information should always be stored safely; electronically or physically. For example, -A filing cabinet which can be locked, as it may be required for future use/reference. Storing confidential documents electronically should always be stored with password protection, on a safe and secure operating system. -Locking your computer if you’re leaving your desk, even if it is for just a few minutes. -Being aware who is around you or your desk when dealing with documents with confidential information on. 3. 6 Explain the purpose of confidentiality and data protection when preparing documents. Any form of personal information held about a person within a company is protected under the Data Protection Act; this means all data should be kept confidential. This is significant to ensure nobody will be able to get the data and pass the information on. Confidentiality is very important when preparing documents, because Oxfordshire County Council is involved with a lot of personal data: †¢Full names †¢Contact details (addresses and phone numbers) †¢Records When preparing documents we need to be aware of what we are including in the document, for example if you are adding a photograph, do you have the right permission to use it? As a company, in order to protect the users and the owner, confidentiality must be observed. 3. Explain the purpose and benefits of meeting deadlines. If deadlines are valued and meeting those deadlines is enforced, expectations are consistent. It is important that you produce your work to the best possible standard in order to meet the requirements of the person setting the task. This will show you are responsible and trustworthy and you can be relied upon to get things completed. You may not know who else might be waiting for your work; it could have to be passed on to someone else. This may cause problems and delays in the workplace and could affect team relationships.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Name Of The Rose :: essays research papers

In the title of the novel, The name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco, the 'rose' can signify many ideas. By making this the title of the book, Eco has attracted the attention of a reader because it suggests a number of things. A rose can be all of nature, the most beautiful of it, a girl, etc. Just as the title suggests several answers, so can the implications in the novel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The rose can be the Church, the richest and most powerful organization in the entire world. As each of its most devoted die, a little bit of the doctrine is forgotten until the 'name becomes bare', it can no longer be understood as its whole. In return, the most learned abbey in Europe burns to the ground, much like the martyrs it exalted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Instead of seeing the deaths for what they are (just random acts, committed by several people, not one depraved person, but individual curious ones) William goes on wild goose chases, i.e. trying to find Adelmo's murderer before realizing that it was a suicide. He looks for evidence that simply is not there, then finding the next real clue, usually a body, searches in vain for what he wants to be the truth. Blinded by what he thinks is true, instead of what is right in front of his face, he searches and searches not judging by 'names' so much as placing the wrong meaning on them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Near the end of the novel, William gives Adso the following advise ' Fear prophets, Adso, and those prepared to die for the truth…he loved his truth so lewdly that he dared do anything to destroy falsehood…the truth lies in learning to free ourselves from insane passion for truth' (491). Thus, the theme of the novel is the truth. William searches for it and searches for it, and finally finds it when, infuriated, he sees the clues for what they really mean, instead of what they desired them to mean.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Semiotics teaches that each element is meaningless until it is differentiated from the other elements. This can be applied several places in the novel, first as each death cannot be solved on it own, but only in conjunction with the other murders. In addition, William singles out the library as the common denominating factor not, for example, sleeping quarters or the Church.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The title 'The Name of the Rose' can apply in this fashion: William comes across a bud, as he searches for clues, the petals continue falling off, as the rose dies, when enough petals have dropped, he can see what makes the flower.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Osiris and Iris Creation Myth

GiGi Orphali 9-17-12 p. 7 Osiris and Isis Creation Myth Mythology opens up a hidden gate of information about the lives of ancient peoples. Through it, modern people have insight to the beliefs and culture of a civilization long since passed. No better example of this exists than the Egyptian tale of Osiris and Isis. According to this tale, when the world first started it was ruled by the benign god Osiris and his equally generous wife, the goddess Isis. Together they ruled the earth and through this time it was a utopia. Crops prospered, people spoke to each other in poetry, and there were no wars.It remained this way until Osiris was trapped by his wicked brother Seth, who then took full control of the world, exposing humanity to its first taste of heartache. Osiris was eventually freed and Seth dethroned, but when it came time to destroy Seth Isis didn’t have the heart. She let him live, and though he still exists he is now a lowly god with less power. This explains the Egy ptian belief of why there has to be good and evil in the world. It also explains that since Seth has less power than Osiris, good will always trump evil. The Egyptians were so rare in their day because of their positive outlook on death.While other civilizations around them looked on to death in a craven manner, Egyptians embraced the beauty of the afterlife and the riches to come. All this stemmed from the belief that Osiris, an oh-so-benevolent god, would make their afterlife paradise, as he had once done here on earth. Because the afterlife is ruled by a kind god, it also explains the way to get there. Egyptians believe that through morality and kindness, they will forever be joined with their princely god in paradise. Egyptian culture stressed love and loyalty between husband and wife and that is clearly expressed throughout this myth.The story of Osiris and Isis is punctuated with Isis’s undying devotion to her husband and her willingness to go above and beyond to find h im. Though Osiris is lost for many years on more than one occasion, Isis never stops searching for him. Even when he is sent to the afterlife, she follows. Readers can assume from the numerous examples of Isis’s loyalty that this was an important value to the ancient Egyptians. Through Isis modern people can see what the ideal Egyptian wife must have been. Osiris and Isis is a myth that has carried on through the ages, portraying an excellent well of information on what Egyptian culture was.Modern readers can see what the ideals and beliefs of a place (beliefs that are still followed today) which give a better understanding than any history book can. Ancient Egyptians held in high esteem what their gods taught and were quick to follow their example. Their conclusions on the afterlife, polytheistic pantheon and good vs. evil are all expressed in this myth. This myth offers us a glimpse into a long ago world, and is perhaps, along with the pyramids and ancient temples, one of t he greatest gifts the ancient Egyptians have given modern society.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Milk Chocolate vs Dark Chocolate

Do you find yourself favoring your chocolate to be smooth and creamy or dark and beneficial? One might argue that dark chocolate in comparison to milk chocolate is similar to a Coca Cola and a diet Coca Cola. Whichever your chocolate preference may be, there are millions of different mouth watering assortments ready to be eaten. I am a fan of dark chocolate and the small, but significant health benefits it offers me. Safe to say the majority of people have encountered both milk and dark chocolate at some point in their lives. Immediately, one will recognize that milk types tend to be softer, sweeter, and addicting. The difference between the two is; milk chocolate is prepared with more milk powder or condensed milk rather than cocoa. This mix creates a smoother quality of chocolate, followed by the consumers’ taste buds instant cravings for more. Also, milk chocolate was introduced first; therefore, most candy bars on grocery store shelves will be milk based. Bear in mind, despite the luscious taste, any one who guzzles a candy bar of course has to work off the excess calories, saturated fats, and carbs later. In contrast, dark chocolate lovers are choosing a healthier route to treat themselves to. Although both types nearly equate in calorie consumption, dark chocolate, unlike milk chocolate provides antioxidants that are valuable to the heart. Also, for individuals with dairy restricted diets, there is nothing more to fear. Dark chocolate is purposely made lactose free; therefore lactose intolerants can refrain from avoiding those chocolaty deserts and enjoy! Regardless of the nutrients that come from dark chocolate, it is still advised to discipline your self around these tasty delights. Perhaps some devotees might find limiting servings of dark chocolate simple considering the bitter taste, but I on the other hand beg to differ. Under my jurisdiction, the pros of dark chocolate defeat the pros of milk chocolate by far. I would even consider opting dark a wiser decision because ones desires are met, with less of the consequences to deal with later.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Money Handling essays

Money Handling essays People with money need to be extremely careful whom they build relationships with. There are always slime balls out there looking for the easiest way to make a living. Whether its their friends, spouse, banker, accountant, or broker they need to know and trust these people. Being smart with your money is one of the keys in becoming rich. In the fraud story I read, Carl was smart with his until he started dealing with a firm called Dewey Cheatem and Howe. After making all this money, I dont know why Carl decided to be so careless with it; maybe Joe Lacerno was a great salesman. Like it said in the story, Dewey Cheatem and Howe played Carl like a violin, but it would have been so easy for Carl to decide against buying this stock that had no market value. There are many things Carl could have done to avoid this loss. If Carl had done a little research he would have discovered that the firm was under investigation by the FBI for pump and dump scams. That fact alone would have kept me from dealing with the firm. Carl didnt have any idea what the company he was investing in did. If I were going to invest a bunch of money into an unknown company I would at least want to know what the company did. Unless you know everything about a company, it is usually the smart choice to invest with a better-known company. Carl was a relatively unsophisticated compared to Joe Lacerno and Joe knew this. With all his money, it would have been very easy for Carl to hire someone to manage his money and deal with leeches like Joe Lacerno. Carl ended up with 100,000 shares that nobody wanted to buy, and lost 3 million dollars, but this whole situation could have been avoided if he would have done some research and found out about Dewey Cheatem and Howe. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Social Media Audit How to Complete Yours In 9 Steps (Free Template)

Social Media Audit How to Complete Yours In 9 Steps (Free Template) Audits are annoying, uncomfortable, and time-consuming. No one likes them. And no, Im not talking about getting an audit from the IRS (although that is annoying, uncomfortable, and time-consuming too). I’m talking about running a social media audit. Running a social media audit may not be the most glamorous part of your job. But, like it or not, it needs to be done. After all, how else will you know if your strategy is (or isn’t) working? Or if there are massive problems going unfixed right under your nose? And what about opportunities you might not realize are right in front of you, too? An audit  can help your team identify all of the above (and more). Best of all, completing one successfully doesn’t have to be a tear-your-hair-out sort of process. Not when you follow this simple process (and use our free templates). Whats ?: is an all-in-one marketing calendar to organize your busy team. Equipped with robust social media scheduling and analysis features, its a powerful platform that can help you plan, publish, and measure your social media marketing. Learn more about us. Download Your Social Media Audit Template + Checklist Auditing your social presence doesn’t have to take forever. With our free template, we’ve saved you the time of having to build your own spreadsheet. Plus, with our checklist, you can easily walk through all the necessary steps without wasting time wondering what you should do. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it’s time to make that dream a reality by snagging ‘em both below.How To Complete A Social Media Audit In Nine Steps (Free Template + Checklist)What is a Social Media Audit? For the purposes of this post a social media audit is: An annual analysis of your social media profiles to determine what is and isn't working for your strategy. What's a social media audit?Why Should I Care About Auditing My Brand’s Social Presence? There are plenty of reasons, but here are the three most important: Identifying strengths and weaknesses in your execution. Making sure you aren’t missing opportunities anywhere. Ensuring you’re representing your brand appropriately. In short, doing an audit is like doing one big house-cleaning project. It’ll take some work, but you’ll be happier and more successful when you’re done.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Riding around Denver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Riding around Denver - Essay Example The city’s economy is based on the geographical position as a major connector of the transport system. This paper will determine the roles of minority groups played in the urban society, the aspects of technology that interact with an urban environment and how various aspects of Denver city change from the centre to the periphery. Denver is a city that is fast growing in Colorado. The local government has estimated that, by 2025, the metropolitan area is estimated to have about one million people. This is from the current population of 2.5 million. This is the most popular city within a radius of 550 that is centered within the city. According to American community Survey, that was conducted in between 2006-2008, depicted different percentages of racial composition. Whites make a larger percentage of the population of about 63.1% and Hispanic or Latino take 34% of the Denver population. The minority groups in this city include Asian, African American and Native America who take up a small percentage of Denver’s population. While the minority groups continue to form a growing portion of the population, especially in urban areas, these groups have not been included in the decision making process thus, leaving them under represented. The poverty statistics that have been associated with minority groups have affected their contribution towards the urban society. However, racial tolerance is becoming a clear trend in the American society.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Work experience and Impact statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Work experience and Impact statement - Essay Example Together with the support groups, we designed simple engineering structures like incinerators for public institutions’ use. On education, the activities acted as an encouragement to young people who are still at school because I conducted presentations, workshops and/or conferences meant to create awareness. In this case the society has embraced engineering to address their social and economical issues. I plan to pursue a career in transportation and cabinet whereby my main aim is to obtain a position that will enable me maximize my strong civil engineering skills in the field of transportation. I would also like to be challenged in an environment that demands engineering innovation, interpersonal, self-directed and team oriented tasks. This mainly entails ensuring smooth operations and design of highways, airports, railways and public transit (Juan et al 87). It will ultimately ensure safe and efficient movement of people and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Analysis of Jet Blue Airline company's Balance sheet Research Paper

Analysis of Jet Blue Airline company's Balance sheet - Research Paper Example In 2010, this trend was converse to what can be seen in 2011; the company’s current assets declined significantly in 2010 ($ 1,360 million) as compared to the level in the year 2009 ($ 1,534 million). Considering this increase in the current assets of the company, it can be argued that the company is making efforts to bring the current assets level back to what has been maintained in the year 2009. On the other hand, the property and equipment section of the total assets also signified a comparatively larger increase in the year 2011 as compared to the previous years, i.e. the property and equipment increased from $ 4,641 million in 2010 to $ 4,860 million in the year 2011. This increase is attributed to the purchase of new flight equipment by the Jet Blue Airline in 2011 and other equipment. This trend can be seen to be followed from the year 2010 in which the company also purchased the flight equipment, but the increase was not as significant as it has been in the year 2011 (Jet Blue Airline). On the other hand, the equity side of the balance sheet for the three years under consideration shows fewer changes in the year 2010 as compared to the financial year 2009 but there is a significant increase in the total liabilities and equity of the company in the year 2011. The overall increase in the equity and liabilities section of the company is $ 44 million in 2010. The long term liabilities of the company declined from $ 2,920 million in 2009 to $ 2,850 million in 2010. On the other hand, almost every item in current liabilities section showed increase in 2010 apart from the current maturities section, which declined considerably, i.e. $ 384 million in 2009 to $ 183 million in 2010. On the other side, the equity section of the balance sheet showed an increase primarily due to increase in the paid up capital in 2010. Keeping in view the liabilities and equity section of the balance sheet for the financial year 2011, the company showed an

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Homelessness Policies in the UK and Their Effects

Homelessness Policies in the UK and Their Effects Introduction The issue of homelessness and poverty in general are alwaswill always be on the forefront of national legislation. Although there have been recent claims from as far back as 2005 that homelessness is in slow decline within the United Kingdom, statistics do not necessarily support these claims. This specific policy analysis will seek to address several foundational questions on the issue of homelessness within the United Kingdom. The focus of this analysis will be to assess the current homelessness situation within the United Kingdom, detail past and present policies and their impact upon the homelessness problem and propose possible solutions to these problems. The key questions that will be answered include: How many homeless are their in the United Kingdom? What are current and past policy decisions within this arena? What are the impact of these policies and their implementation? What proposed remedies are there to the homelessness situation? Background Statistics on the reality of the homelessness situation within the United Kingdom is extremely difficult to assess. The transient nature of the homeless population makes them difficult to track especially with the number of people who sleep in living rooms, squatters, and other times of temporary accommodations. Current the most accurate statistics on homelessness comes from the 1996 Housing Act, which defines â€Å"statutory homelessness† or people who apply for homelessness assistance with local authorities and who fit under the current legislative definition of homelessness. Between 2005 and 2006, there has been 193,690 households who have applied for assistance under the Housing Act. From that population only 139,760 were found to be â€Å"legally† homeless under the statutory definition (Housing and the Homeless, 2005). The same study found that 93,910 households were under temporary assistance by June of 2006. From statutory homelessness statistics, many politicia ns have argued that homelessness as an institutional problem is declining. Although these statements are supported by statistics, the reality is that much of homelessness is hidden and unaccounted for. First, there is a large segment of the homeless population who are â€Å"rough sleeping†, this can be loosely defined as individuals who are sleeping in public areas and out of doors. Rough sleepers are extremely difficult to track and through last official counts numbers at 502 in London alone (Homelessness, 2005). Another method of tracking homelessness is through supported accommodations, specifically within hostels. The majority of hostels accept the homeless, current figures place supported accommodations at under 47,000 household units (Homelessness Pages, 2006). The most difficult of all of these categories to track are the â€Å"hidden homeless†. The majority of these homeless individuals who do not show up in official figures, either because they have never appl ied for housing before, do not qualify under legal definitions, families that find temporary solutions for this problem, or squatters. The level of hidden homelessness is especially troubling because the inability to accurately measure their number prevents the government from promoting legislation to meet this social problem. The New Policy Institute conducted research on this issue in 2003. They estimated that there are currently anywhere between 310,000 and 380,000 hidden homeless people within the United Kingdom. Current legislation on homelessness can be accounted for in the Housing Act of 1996 and the Homelessness Act of 2002, both of which attempts to deal with the homelessness. The Housing Act of 1996 was the first official recognition of the homelessness problem. It went as far as to provide a legal â€Å"statutory† definition of homelessness and provided specific agendas for housing allocation among the homeless, placing the responsibility of housing assistance upon local authorities. This policy was a major step to recognizing the problem, however it is was extremely ineffective in its intended purpose. As the above statistics indicate, the majority of the homelessness cannot be easily tracked and do not formally submit requests for governmental aid. AT the same time, many homeless were not eligible under the Housing Act and thus were left unaccounted for. National statistics showed that the homeless problem was declining, by the late 1990s, however, the reality of the situation was that the majority of the homeless were merely left unreported. To confront the new challenges posed by the Housing Act, the Homelessness Act of 2002 was passed. The Homelessness Act has been hailed as a sweeping reform of homelessness and a long term implementation of solutions for this problem. It’s focus has been on placing emphasis on local authorities to review homelessness within their localities, local implementation and review of strategies, and reforms within the framework of how councils themselves allocate housing. Several key changes to the Homeless Act was that it broadened both the definition of homelessness since the Housing Act, and also broadened the responsibilities of local authorities as well. The definition was extended to including those over the age of sixteen, rough sleeping, as well as a formal attempt to find families under temporary housing arrangements. Although this policy has much broader application and resources, it still is an insufficient response to the current state of homelessness. Currently local authorities lack integration with national level agencies to respond to the problems of homelessness, t he lack of coordination on a national level with local agencies causes â€Å"red-tape† delays that often allow homeless families to be left without aid. Another key area is that this policy lacks support provisions, local authorities do not necessarily have the capacities to assess circumstances and implement an operational strategy to provide temporary and permanently housing for those in need. Finally, the Housing Act does not provide a full implementation methodology for solving local area homelessness because they lack the resources and working knowledge to tackle this problem. Findings Current understanding of homelessness is limited because of the inability of government agencies to account for all homeless populations. Large number of unidentified and unaccounted for homelessness within the UK Policies within this arena are not specific enough to deal with the current crisis There is a need for bi-lateral and multi-agency cooperation for progressive problem solving Local support and operations services are lacking because of resource and knowledge limitations Preventive measures are not fully implementable, the root problem of homelessness are not being dealt with Conclusion The only way to provide for definitive solutions for the homelessness crisis to extend our current understanding of the limits of the homelessness problem. Data collection and definitional analysis of homelessness is severely lacking and progress needs to be made at a local level. While certain policy provisions have been enacted to help this problem, the reality is that the Homelessness Act of 2002 have done little to curb the core problems of homelessness. There are many other policy considerations: Provide provisions for mult-agency collaboration to provide for a support network between national and local authorities. Create comprehensive support system for local authorities to operationally provide temporary housing and assistance to those in need. Create a preventive taskforce to understand core of homelessness within local communities and to operationally eliminate these problems. References Policy and information. Homeless Link. 25 July 2007>. Homelessness Act Implementation. Homelessness Act 2002. 25 July 2007>. Housing and Homelessness. Homelessness Pages. 25 July 2007>. Homelessness Act 2002 Homelessness Pages. 25 July 2007>. Local authorities and the homelessness act. Shelter. 25 July 2007>.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Crossing Over With John Edwards :: Media Television Paranormal Essays

Crossing Over With John Edwards The article that I have picked is from Entertainment Weekly. This article goes into detail about skeptics whose websites debunk all things paranormal. The skeptics focus on John Edwards, a medium, also known as a cold reader ( In the article, John Edwards is described as having a show named "Crossing Over With John Edwards," a Sci Fi Channel seance that has recently been reincarnated as a nationwide syndicated series. During this hour long show, John Edwards surrounds himself with an audience and picks out people at random. After saying a name out loud, he then finds that person and focuses his attention towards that one individual. Then he starts firing certain questions to this individual only wanting a yes or a no answer. Once he starts to get yes answers, he knows that he is on the right path to getting the individual to believe anything he says. John Edwards has claimed that he can communicate with the dead, but the web skeptics in the next few paragraphs think otherwise. One web skeptic from the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal ( describes the technique that explains John Edwards abilities to communicate with the dead and also have the ability to uncover personal details about the dead people, sight unseen. This technique is called "The Art of Cold Reading." One reading by Edward performed on Larry King Live is being dissected on the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal ( site by Joe Nickell. Now Joe Nickell goes onto describing how John Edwards incorporates "The Art of Cold Reading" into his act. For example, John Edwards poses questions like "Im getting an older male who is there on the other side," in away that is correct but it has a wide scope, it could mean that he is a friend, brother, uncle, father, grandfather take your pick(E.Weekly, Sept. 21,2001, 86). An Australian skeptics website (, says that the scenario on the Larry King Live show was true, but the lady that called in actually wanted to communicate with her mother. But John Edwards persistant questionings about the gentlemen figure won out because she was so busy wondering who this gentlemen was that she actually forgot she wanted to communicate with her mother. Now cold readers often focus on their "after death communication" by rapid-firing through a number of different possibilities.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Response of the Criminal Justice System to Victims of Corporate Crime

Essay Title: With the use of at least 3 real life stories reported in newspapers, discuss the response of the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System to victims of corporate crime. There is no time limit on the stories and they may be accessed via the internet. Within this essay I will look to discuss victims of corporate crimes experiences within the Criminal Justice System. In order to do this I will first define the Criminal Justice System and then corporate crime. I will then address the task by using 3 real life stories about victims’ experiences of the operation of the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System. The Criminal Justice System (CJS) is a series of practices and institutions that are used â€Å"to deliver justice for all, by convicting and punishing the guilty and helping them to stop offending, while protecting the innocent. It is responsible for detecting crime and bringing it to justice; and carrying out the orders of court, such as collecting fines, and supervising community and custodial punishment† (frontline. jsonline. gov. uk) In criminology, corporate crime refers to ‘crimes committed by corporations, or by influential individuals within corporations, where the illegal act is carried out with the intentions of furthering the goals of that organisation. ’ (Newburn. 2007. 946-947) Experiences within the criminal justice system are undoubtedly going to vary with each person’s own experiences and perception. Some may hold the view that it is a just and worthwhile organisation while others will not share the same optimism. For example, there is an article in the Belfast Telegraph about the rape in Colin Glen Forest Park. The incident took place on the 12 April 2008. The article shows the complete dissatisfaction and faith within the criminal justice system but praises the work of the PSNI. The victim stated that the days between her reporting the crime and attending the trial she had no contact or information relating to the trail until just 2 week before hand â€Å"The criminal justice process leading up to the trial was not much better from a victim's perspective. I did not hear from my prosecuting barristers until two weeks before the scheduled trial — leaving me to spend 11 months in confused anxiety about the prospect of testifying. † â€Å"How can rape victims be expected to assist the criminal justice system in convicting their attacker, when there isn't even a proper counseling service to help them through this very harrowing process? †(www. belfasttelegraph. com) It is easily seen from this specific example that the criminal justice system is simply focused on one thing, which to convict the criminal and punish them accordingly. There seems to be no regard to the victims feelings, concerns or anxieties, but simply referrals and advice, on where to go to achieve help and comfort in an attempt to deal with the traumatic event of being raped. â€Å"No one told me that a service like Victim Support existed until a few weeks before my trial (and 10 months after my attack). † (www. belfasttelegraph. com) (2009) It has been seen as standard practice to observe that the ‘victim’ has long been the forgotten party in criminal justice as the Colin Glen Forest Park victim’s story demonstrates. Victims appear very often appear as complainants and applicants for compensation, or as a witness giving evidence, but thereafter they are unfortunately very much neglected. It is only recently that the victim now forms the focus of a substantial area of enquiry within criminology. There is now a requirement for sufficient attention to be paid to the needs and rights of the victims. (Newburn. 2007. Pg. 342) Crimes vary in their nature and therefore the impact of the crime on the victim can vary also. Goodey (2005: 121-2) lists a range of emotional, material and social needs that victims may need to have met in the aftermath of crime. This list consists of: reassurance and counselling; medical assistance; financial and practical assistance to secure property; information about case programs; guidance about what to expect in court; the chance to express how the crime affected them; and information about the release date of the offender. (Newburn. 2007. Pg. 353) In is only in recent years that these needs of victims have been taken into account and there is now such a thing called ‘victims policy’. This policy ensures that the needs of the victims are being met and there is now a substantial raft of services now provided to protect the victim and their rights. (Newburn. 2007. Pg. 358) Duff (1988) argues that there are two discernible trends which illustrate the impact of the ‘victim movement’ on the Criminal Justice System. The first is the introduction of state funded compensation schemes. These schemes had the aim of trying to strengthen the relationship between the offender and the state. The second was the introduction of compensation by the offender to the victim. This aimed to increase the importance of the victim-offender relationship. This therefore became the start of criminal injuries compensation, and it was through these schemes that the needs of the victims were officially being recognised. (Newburn. 2007. Pg. 358) In 1959, the government published ‘Penal Practice in a Changing Society’; this is what resulted in the setting-up of a party which were to examine the proposal of introducing the schemes for payment of compensation to victims of violence. The proposal was then passed and was called the ‘Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme’, also known as CICS. It came into operation on the 1st August 1964. (Newburn. 2007. Pg. 358) An example of a recent payment of compensation to a victim is that of Lucas Da Costa, 32, while working for Lindon foods meat processing company, suffered severe head injuries when he was hit by 255 kilos of crates as he lifted them using an electric pallet truck at the Granville Industrial Estate plant on 25 February 2010. The father-of-four was rushed to hospital and then transferred to the Royal Victoria Hospital where he was treated for bleeding onto the brain as well as multiple fractures to his skull and facial bones. Linden Foods Ltd pleaded guilty to breaches of health and safety legislation at a previous hearing at Omagh Crown Court, in the case which was brought against the company by the Health and Safety Executive. The company were ordered to pay ? 25,000 after an employee was left â€Å"close to a vegetative state†. (www. u. tv. co. uk) Also Northern Ireland Water has been fined ? 2,000 after pleading guilty to polluting a major river. A blockage in the sewerage system caused poisonous discharge to pollute the Six Mile Water River at Clotworthy Bridge in Antrim. The fine was imposed on 4th May 2011 at Antrim Magistrates Court where NI Water pleaded guilty to making a polluting discharge to a waterway and breach of consent. Antrim mayor Pam Lewis welcomed the fine saying she hoped it would act as a deterrent. (www. belfasttelegraph. co. uk) In another incident, two construction companies have been fined over the collapse of a building owned by the Law Society in Belfast. The building collapsed in March 2008, injuring six workers. JH Turkington and Sons Ltd and Ripley Developments Ltd were fined a total of ? 1,000 for health and safety breaches. A Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) investigation found that the collapse of a temporary supporting structure, known as false work, caused the incident. It was estimated that approximately 150 tonnes of concrete, 25 tonnes of steel reinforcing bars and four tonnes of false work all came down in the collapse. (www. bbc. co. uk) This increased recognition of victims needs developed even further; there became an increased desire to protect children who had been victims. Many of the child victim’s experiences were particularly traumatic itself; never mind the trauma of having to give evidence in court also. After numerous protests, the requirement in ‘The 1988 Criminal Justice Act’ was abolished that stated that the child had to give evidence in court. This was enforced in order to protect the child and instead the use of video recordings was introduced. (Newburn. 2007. Pg. 362-363) In 1986 in government then took the decision to provide core funding to victim support. In the first years the scheme mainly focused on the victims of conventional crimes, such as burglary. During the 1980s they became progressively more involved in providing support for a wider range of victims. This came to include victims of racial harassment, families of murder victims, rape and serious sexual assault. Victim support demanded that victims had the right: to be heard; to be kept informed about the progress of ‘their case’; be protected by law enforcement agencies; to receive compensation as well as ‘respect, recognition and support’. Newburn. 2007. Pg. 363-364) This led to an increased interest in victims within the criminal justice system. Victims support started running a series of victim/witness support programmes in seven Crown Court centres, and now, the organisation provides a witness service in every criminal court in England and Wales. The first victim’s charter was published in 1990. This was the first acknowledgement that som e victims may have entitlements (not rights) because of their victimisation. In 1996 the second victim’s charter was published. The charter covered police responsibilities for providing information to victims, familiarisation with the courts, together with details of the complaints procedures if the standards set out were not met. From this charter victims could expect to get: contact details for police officers and leaflets on ‘Victims of Crime’, information on case progress, chance to explain how the crime affected them, information on the offenders release, treatment and support if attending court as a witness, expenses for attending court, and also emotional and practical support. (Newburn. 007. Pg. 364-365) In 2002, a White Paper, ‘Justice For All’, was published by the Home Office. Its aim, it said, was to rebalance the Criminal Justice System in favour of the victims, witnesses and communities. Their aim was to increase detection rates, reduce delays, and increase the conviction rates. (Newburn. 2007. Pg. 365 & 669) Northern Ireland has numerous areas in which victims can rece ive support. These include the PSNI Victim support, The Public Prosecution Service, NICS, PBNI Victim Information Scheme, and The Prisoner Release Victim Information Scheme. These aim to help people affected by any type of crime. They provide emotional support, information and practical help to victims, witnesses and others affected by crime. (www. victimsupportni. co. uk) The Northern Ireland Justice Minister made this response in July 2010. â€Å"Northern Ireland must have a Criminal Justice System which puts victims and witnesses at the core. As part of this, it is of paramount importance that victims are provided with the necessary support and that they have confidence in the service they are receiving†. Although many improvements to victim support had been made, there are still many changes to be made. The NI Criminal Justice System has made commitments for 2010/2011 to: provide victims and witnesses with easier access to information; ensure that specific and timely information is provided to victims and witnesses in relation to their cases; continue to work with relevant voluntary agencies; recognise and be responsive to victims and witness’ individual needs and also to make victims and witness’ views made know to the CJS. It seems to be a simple solution to ensure that the victims of crimes should be put at the fore front of the investigation, ensuring that they receive the best care and guidance possible in an attempt to raise the comfort and awareness of the conviction process, therefore raising the belief in the criminal justice which in turn, will allow other victims to follow suit thus raising the level the convictions, instead of concentrating on just the legal aspects of getting the conviction, which seems to be the case at present. People are very often not aware of the services and support groups available to them in the event of a crime, and they are relaying on the people within the legal profession and their knowledge and the CJS to inform them of such services. It’s bad enough that they have to suffer at the hands of the criminals, but to suffer at the hands of the criminal justice system is totally unacceptable. It is beyond doubt that the criminal justice system needs a reform, so that it takes into account all aspects of crimes, from the victim to the sentencing. They may see an increase in assistance from the victims if they focus their attention on them rather than being simply focused on one thing, which to convict the criminal and punish them accordingly. Bibliography Newburn, T. (2007) Criminology. Cullompton. Willan Publishing. (frontline. cjsonline. gov. uk) http://www. belfasttelegraph. co. uk/lifestyle/bt-woman/as-a-tourist-in-belfast-my-rape-was-shock-news-so-why-did-you-forget-about-it-and-me-so-quickly-14484709. html#ixzz15CJWLv3H

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Favorite Restaurant

I don’t like homemade food too much so I often tend to go out to have lunch or dinner; I’m not talking about fast food, in fact I don’t like fast food that much. So the first place that always popped to my mind is the Ponto Alto restaurant; it is my favorite restaurant in town for many reasons. I visit this restaurant 2 to 3 per week; it is located on a hill in the Bahsass area in front of the sea, so you can imagine how beautiful the view is up there. This is the biggest reason why I like this restaurant the view is amazing especially during the sunset!One can sit-down and have their food while looking to its beautiful view, it is so relieving. Of course since I go there a lot the food must be great. It serves Italian food such as pasta and pizza and also large varieties of chicken and beef with its remarkable sauce. It’s not like fast-food it much closer to home food but more delicious and very healthy also. The dà ©cor and design inside are very creati ve; it has a large painting on the ceiling with cheerful colors that draws a smile on your face every time you look up and see it.Moreover, the restaurant also play many classical English and French music, which make you relax and comfortable! Lastly all the servants in the restaurant are both warm and hospitable they make you feel like at home. In conclusion, I think that Ponto Alto is the perfect place to eat and have a quite time especially if you are out with the wife or girl friend. I don’t hesitate for a second to recommend anyone to visit and try this unique restaurant.