Sunday, November 17, 2019

Different Types of Documents Produced in a Business Environment Essay Example for Free

Different Types of Documents Produced in a Business Environment Essay The different formats in which text may be presented are font typefaces, headings, font size, effects (bold, italics, underlined), colours and text boxes. We can format text in paragraphs, tables and columns. We can add bullet points, headers and footers. We can also add tables, graphs, diagrams and flowcharts as a clear way to represent data and processes. 1. 3 Explain the purpose and benefits of producing high quality and attractive documents The documents you produce for your organisation are an image of representation of your organisation. So it creates an impression on the reader about the standards of the organisation. A good quality document that looks good to the audience can gain more customers and increase the company’s reputation. The quality of your documents is a reflection on you. 2. 3 Describe different types of technology available for inputting, formatting, and editing text and their main features A keyboard and mouse would be the main technology to insert text into a computer. When using a keyboard you press the specific key for each character that needs inputting, and this is transferred on to the computer screen, in a word processing program. A mouse helps you navigate on the computer screen to select the programs to select the programs to open and view and type the text. Another form of inputting could be copying and pasting information from the internet or another document. You could even use a scanner to input text and transfer documents into the computer. Within the Microsoft Word package, you have the following tools to format the text to make it look high quality: -WordArt: this includes effects such as shadows, outlines, colours, gradients, and 3D effects that can be added to a word or phrase. WordArt can also bend, stretch, rotate, or modify the shape of the text. -Page layout: the arrangement of text, images and other objects on a page. -Columns: this is a vertical division of text on a page, usually found in the layout of booklets, newspapers, magazines and leaflets. -Paragraphs: usually a distinct, short section on a document/ piece of writing, usually with a single theme. -Headers and footers: A header or footer is text or graphics that is usually printed at the top or bottom of every page in a document. A header is printed in the top margin; a footer is printed in the bottom margin. The types of technology that are available to edit text are: -Spell check: a computer program that identifies possible misspellings in a block of text by comparing the text with a database of the correct spellings. -Grammar check: this is a tool on Microsoft programs that gives you helpful hints to improve your sentence structure. -Find and replace: this is a function that allows you to search for a particular word in a document and replace it if you need to rename more than one word. 3. Explain the benefits of agreeing the purpose, content, style and deadlines for producing documents. The audience of a document is the group of people for who it is written for. Therefore, documents should be designed to meet the needs of the expected audience. You need to know the purpose of the document so you know what and how to produce it, for example, if it is advertising for young people you would want it to be eye catching and in a style that will appeal to them. It is important to agree the content so you can obtain the information, plan and organise the layout. Deadlines are important so you can plan other work around it and complete the document on time. 3. 2 Outline different ways of organising content for documents. To organise the content you require for a document, you first need to find out how the document is to be presented and the information that is to be included. But ways you could organise content could be: -Bullet points -Alphabetical ordering -Chronological order -Headings -Text -Graphs -Text boxes You should then store all the information needed safely and with clear file names. 3. Outline ways of integrating and laying out text and non-text. Text and non text can be integrated easily with Microsoft Word or Publisher. There are many ways of laying out a document, using columns, graphics, and blocks of text, headings, background colours, images and white space and wrap text around; which helps you to work around with its different features to get a consistent format. Also there are other office applications that help with integrating and laying out text and non-text, for example, Excel and PowerPoint, help with integrating text and non-text in spread sheets and slides. Many organisations use a logo on all their printed materials and their documents often have a very specific style. This will be achieved by always using the same fonts, font sizes, text and page colours and page layout. 3. 4 Describe ways of checking finished documents for accuracy – including spelling, grammar and punctuation – and correctness, and the purpose of doing so. When you have finished creating a document, you should review and check it thoroughly before sending or printing the document. Word documents have a spell check function, however even using spell check might not be completely accurate, therefore using a grammar check on the document as well, will be more beneficial. After doing the spell and grammar checks, you could ask another colleague to proof read your work – having a proof reader can help highlight problems as they are a fresh set of eyes that have not read the document. Re-reading the documents several days after completing, may refresh your mind to notice any corrections and adjustments. It is beneficial to compare the final version with original notes and rough drafts. All of these checks are to ensure that your document that you want to make is fit for purpose and correct before showing to a senior member of staff or production of the document. 3. 5 Explain the purpose of storing documents safely and securely, and ways of doing so. Any document with any sensitive information should always be stored safely; electronically or physically. For example, -A filing cabinet which can be locked, as it may be required for future use/reference. Storing confidential documents electronically should always be stored with password protection, on a safe and secure operating system. -Locking your computer if you’re leaving your desk, even if it is for just a few minutes. -Being aware who is around you or your desk when dealing with documents with confidential information on. 3. 6 Explain the purpose of confidentiality and data protection when preparing documents. Any form of personal information held about a person within a company is protected under the Data Protection Act; this means all data should be kept confidential. This is significant to ensure nobody will be able to get the data and pass the information on. Confidentiality is very important when preparing documents, because Oxfordshire County Council is involved with a lot of personal data: †¢Full names †¢Contact details (addresses and phone numbers) †¢Records When preparing documents we need to be aware of what we are including in the document, for example if you are adding a photograph, do you have the right permission to use it? As a company, in order to protect the users and the owner, confidentiality must be observed. 3. Explain the purpose and benefits of meeting deadlines. If deadlines are valued and meeting those deadlines is enforced, expectations are consistent. It is important that you produce your work to the best possible standard in order to meet the requirements of the person setting the task. This will show you are responsible and trustworthy and you can be relied upon to get things completed. You may not know who else might be waiting for your work; it could have to be passed on to someone else. This may cause problems and delays in the workplace and could affect team relationships.

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