Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Black Daeth essays

Black Daeth essays The Black Death was a plague that carried a disease that ravaged its way through the world, eventually causing economic, political, and cultural disruptions. It came like a murderer in the night, when no one was expecting it. This mysterious disease first attacked the people living near the Black Sea in what is now called Southern Ukraine. It came without mercy, like a warrior coming for revenge. It struck, and within days hundreds of people fell ill. The first symptoms were severe headaches and redness of the eyes. These were followed by inflammations of the tongue, hoarseness and a hacking cough. Then came severe intestinal upsets, including vomiting and acute diarrhea. Temperatures rose, and at the fevers height the body broke out with reddish spots. By the third day, the lymph nodes in the sufferers'' groins, neck, and occasionally the armpits began to swell. Eventually the swelling would increase from the size of a hazelnut to the size of walnut, then to the size of a hen's egg. The swelling would bulge out making it easily visible; its blackish color giving the disease its name: The Black Death. The swellings would continue to get bigger and extremely painful causing the victim to vomit blood. Eventually the swelling would burst, and the victim would die soon after. The whole process, starting from the first symptoms to the final expiration would last as little as 3 days to as long as 9 days. It was a terrible and excruciating disease that was given the title of the Bubonic Plague, a medical term. The swelling that the victims received became known as buboes, the Greek word for groin, boubon. Therefore giving the disease its official name: the Bubonic Plague. There were three forms of the plague: Bubonic, Septicaemic, and pneumonic. The Bubonic plague was the main disease that tormented the people of the Black Sea region, but there was another dise...

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